India's veteran trio of shooting Manavjit Singh Sandhu, Mansha Singh and Zoravar Singh Sandhu managed to oust hosts China with a score for the bronze medal in the team event two days of trapping men Asian Games that was concluded Friday.
Members trap Indian registered 341 points, the way the Asian record holder Manavjit that made it possible for them to finish one point ahead of China (340). gold medal went to Kuwait (352), who won on Lebanon (351).
But none of the trio won an individual medal, including the Asian record holder Manavjit who stormed his way back from eighth to third place and qualified for the final than to finish fifth with a total of 136, including 119 in the qualifying round.
Mansha obtained 113 points (22, 23, 22, 24, 22) to end a bad 17: e of 37 digital inputs Zoravar was even more pathetic, finishing a distant 28: th qualified with scores 109th
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