Completely stop the presses. IPAD's first newspaper, The Journal is being prepared for launch.
The journalists were hired and are in use in various offices of the United States, including Los Angeles and New York.
The official announcement of the digital publication owned by News Corp. will take place at a ceremony in San Francisco Museum of Modern Art on January 19, according to two people familiar with the matter. People said the event will be attended by Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Inc., maker of IPAD and Rupert Murdoch, CEO of News Corp.
People were not authorized to speak publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity.
Details are scarce, including how to subscribe to the newspaper tablet will cost, if it is not really a tax, but the name says, it at least once a day. It will focus on general news, culture and entertainment, to include video.
The publication is a bold attempt to rewrite Mr. Murdoch journalism business, as revenues from circulation and print advertising and sales plunged by more and more ads on the sites have not made the difference.
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