Thursday rejected Research in Motion, maker of the BlackBerry solution to provide access to mail services company said it did not own them, and the issue should be resolved at branch level.
"We can not provide a solution to access corporate e-mail service does not have the keys. E 'in the possession of customers," said RIM vice-president, Robert E. Crow said in New Delhi.
"My understanding is that this is not a problem unique BlackBerry and the company represents a very small part of the Virtual Private Network (VPN) users in India," he added.
Canadian RIM earlier this month had also expressed its inability to provide its customers with the secret encryption key is lawful interception of content.
Allows legal access does not extend to the BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES), which is essentially a (VPN) Virtual Private Network to access information solution.RIM BES is because RIM's encrypted wireless carrier is never in possession of cryptographic keys .
There can be no change in the security architecture for the BES in India or elsewhere to decipher emails from RIM BES is not technically possible, as neither RIM or the mobile operators are not holding the keys Encryption customers.
Earlier this week, the BlackBerry has said that delivers technology to control the content of your mail service and had asked the government to issue a directive to operators to connect to your new automated service.
RIM is installing and testing a new service to provide by January 31, which will automatically make legally intercepted messages BlackBerry Messenger in a format readable by agencies.BlackBerry India has more than one million subscribers in India is one of the most dynamic markets in the world in terms of new subscribers new.
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