Now every young actor under his son is thrown into a superhero franchise - starting with Ryan Reynolds (Green Lantern) and Chris Evans (Captain America), Andrew Garfield (Spider-Man ") and Henry Cavill (Superman) - Hollywood is divert attention to another franchise dominated by men, hoping to regain momentum.
That would be sleeping "Bourne" series, which is hoping to resume production under the watchful eye of "Michael Clayton" director Tony Gilroy now that Paul Greengrass and Jason Bourne - Matt Damon - have evolved.
But to be taken as part of Damon? The list of possible spies is inevitable, with most of the names and faces to the surface in a report published by the deadline. Joel Edgerton, Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Fassbender seems to make sense.
Other names, like Tobey Maguire or Paul Dano, makes no sense at all. But Mike Fleming reports Gilroy reduce your list "quickly" so we can have a new Bourne in our hands before we know it.
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