The beauty Anushka has highlighted his back foot in Bollywood. The actor, who is at the top of his game in the South was in talks with Rohit Shetty and Ajay Devgan in remake of Singham (Yamudu in Telugu).
Anushka has been the first choice to play the lover Ajay because she was in the original film with Sooriya.
Sources show that when asked to do the remake, she asked Rs 1.5 crore would, of course, it has shown the door. Of course there are those who say that the girl had problems with actual date, but an insider said. "Money was the problem"
Anushka has certainly disrupted Rohit and Ajay, a lethal combination of Bollywood today. And is replaced by Kajal Agarwal. Kajal is a big draw in Tamil and Telugu. The girl stood in front of the stage after his performance as Yuvarani Mitravinda Devi in Magadheera.
Rohit refuses to comment Anushka. Praise again his heroine Kajal, she says, "It 's very popular in the south. Magadheera He made one of the biggest hits of all time Telugu. We are convinced him pulling out the role successfully."
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