After continuous talks focused on different ways to strengthen the US-India relationship through energy, economic and security cooperation, both the sides agreed for a $1 billion concession from the US Export-Import Bank for India’s renewable energy development agency.
Modi and Obama met for the first time and have finally decided to target a five fold jump in the two way trade, which would now become $500 million from $100 million. However, there was no dedline setup for this. They have also nodded their heads for establishing an Infrastructural Collobaration Platform which would amplify the participation of US companies in our infrastructiure projects. This Platform shall bring The Ministry of Finance and Department of Finance together.
Obama welcomed and offered to support Narendra Modi’s plans and efforts in making the Indian youth well qualified and preparing them for jobs. He also appreciated his ideology of new partnerships which will help in sharing the expertise to develop skills for the Indian youth and also enhance global standards. This will definitely reinvigorate the Higher Education!
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